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GrabSign impact on environment

Lets save the environment

GrabSign is more than a eSignature platform.
Save the world with us.

GrabSign is committed to the world’s environment.

Here is some information how we are helping to save environment

Saving forest

A typical 8-inch diameter trunked tree with 45ft of usable tree would produce around 10,000 to 20,000 sheets. Average office worker prints roughly 8,000 pages per year. Signing through Grabsign we can save trees and improve environment.

Saving water

The water footprint of printing and writing paper is estimated to be between 300 and 2600 m3/ton (2-13 litres for an A4 sheet). These figures account for the paper recovery rates as they currently are. No need to say that signing through Grabsign we can save trees and improve environment


The carbon footprint of paper products is defined as GHG emissions emitted during the life-cycle of paper production, converting or printing and distribution (from production of raw materials used in manufacture, to disposal of finished product, excl. emissions during use of the product). Needless to say that signing through Grabsign you can contribute to improve environment

Solid wastage

Paper constitutes over a third of all litter. It costs states as much as hundreds of thousands of dollars in clean up annually. Areas with litter problems are unattractive to tourists and businesses. Littered areas breed bacteria and attract insects and rodents, which spread the bacteria and cause illness. Paper contains toxins that seep into soil as the paper decomposes. These toxins are carried into waterways via storm water. Animals eat litter and become ill or die. Pedestrians, unsecured trucks and poorly covered trash bins are the main causes of litter. You and we together can save environment, animals and provide our kids better and clean world.

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